CaaS and The Internet of Things: How to shift your content

IoT, Alexa, Siri and more have shifted how customers consume content. A one-way presentation of content is no longer enough - watch to learn how Content-as-a-Service can help shift your content from pure presentation to an interactive conversation.

Future-Proofing Your Content

Brands are turning to Content-as-a-Service (or Headless CMS) as a way to future-proof their content. In CaaS, content is stored separately from the presentation layer, meaning it can be pushed to any connected device in the Internet of Things , think Alexa, Google Home, etc. Moving to CaaS means brands need to shift their thinking when it comes to creating, storing, and presenting content.

The shift is not only in how you present your content, but it is also a shift in how users are interacting with your content. The Internet of Things means moving away from content simply living on a webpage to a interactive conversation with users. CaaS and the Internet of Things means taking into account new considerations with development and creation of content.

We spoke with Rod Tosten, VP of Information Technology at Gettysburg College, to get his thoughts on the Internet of Things, Content-as-a-Service, and to hear how he’s used dotCMS to build out Alexa Skills for students at Gettysburg College.

Considerations When Developing for Alexa

When developing for Alexa, there are several things your team needs to consider. From what your content looks like and how it is currently being formatted, to how you want users to ask for information from Alexa, to your presentation and implementation strategy.

The Future of IoT - "Smarter" Devices

We've come a long way with smart devices, but Artificial Intelligence is the next step to making smart devices even smarter. Watch to learn how AI will help devices organize, consume, and retrieve content for optimum experience.

Building out Alexa Skills for Gettysburg College

Building for Alexa meant a completely new way to think about creating and presenting content to users. Tosten and his team had to think about the student of the future - how will they want to interact with Alexa to get information and how can Gettysburg make sure their content is aligned.

Alexa Skills for Phone Directory

There are many different types of information your users will be asking Alexa for and for some information, there will be more than one result. See how Gettysburg tackled this when building out an Alexa Skill for their phone directory.

Presenting the right amount of information to your users

One of the biggest obstacles when developing content and conversation flow for Alexa is deciding how much information to give at a time. When building out an Alexa Skill for Gettysburg news - it was important to consider if a user would be interested in knowing headlines, summaries, and longer articles.

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