
Two Trends in Content Management for 2015

Will Ezell

At dotCMS, the diversity of our customer portfolio presents a unique frame of reference for understanding what companies are doing with content management. Our customer base varies widely by industry, company size, IT maturity, web development approach, marketing resources and many other factors. As a vendor to a broad base of industries, working with companies operating with a variety of business models, we get to observe and gain a unique insight into trends in content management.

dotCMS Blog - Content Management Trends

With that in mind, we thought it might be helpful to share a few thoughts on two trends we see emerging in the upcoming year. Certainly these trends apply to our specific customers and at the same time, we can see them emerging in the “content industry” at large.

Integration Partners and Partnerships

Advanced and open API’s are lowering the barrier to integration and collaboration in content management and in content strategy projects. It’s easier than ever to create connections between systems, storing and managing content assets in one system and presenting them in another. As Web development has matured over recent years, it’s not uncommon for the average Web development shop to be able to do basic system integrations, made possible by newer, more standard, accessible and flexible API’s.

This means that development partners will be easier to identify, more readily available in the market and more qualified and experienced in working with systems like dotCMS and their open, accessible API’s.

With the continued advancement of open API’s and their coming into the mainstream in content management systems, there are more and more opportunities for our customers to work with development partners and application developers of almost any flavor - read  “language” -  to build on and extend CMS vendor software or, to customize their implementations of COTS software.

With the technical barriers to system integration being broken down with API’s, we also see a clear trend on the horizon for our customers to be forging partnerships with 3rd party content providers, publishers, distributors and developers.

This is particularly true for those seeking to extend their product offerings through the integration of complementary features/applications. And, for those that have “content strategy” in their marketing mix. Reduced technical barriers provide more incentive to integrate content from 3rd parties and build partnerships and collaborations around a content exchange. It’s clear that Web and content management systems that offer ease of integration and popular API’s will be at the center of these partner relationships.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

More and more opportunity and technology is being developed in the fascinating world of the Internet of Things (IoT) – Internet enabled devices. And yes, as soon as a device is “Internet enabled” then the opportunity to deliver content to these devices is at hand. Of course content and assets need a place to be stored, structured, managed, searched and presented to make the content relevant and valuable in the context of the device.  

That’s where dotCMS comes in. We see a trend that broadens the application of CMS technology from using content management systems only for traditional uses like Web, eCommerce, and intranet or extranet. DotCMS customers can build and extend their dotCMS platforms to be able to manage and deliver content to Internet enabled devices - the IoT. In 2014, we were impressed discovering new and novel ways our customers have been using the dotCMS platform and as the IoT marches forward in 2015, it’s only natural that using dotCMS technology as a device agnostic, content delivery and management hub will become more commonplace.

The advantage of being able to use a single content management system to deliver content across channels and/or devices is an imperative in context of the IoT. Providing ease of use, flexible management and multiple content modification and delivery options is a hard requirement for the xCMS working in the world of IoT (xCMS - provides centralized presentation and management for disparate content and UX systems. Learn more...). DotCMS has long been a pioneer in delivering such capabilities and that’s why it’s uniquely positioned to help companies take advantage of the exponentially growing world of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Integration partners and partnerships, a march to the world of the Internet of Things - be on the lookout for these trends and aspirations in 2015 and know that with dotCMS you’ll be able to adapt and make the most of your opportunities. You’ll be ready with the technology you need to support successful partnerships and a platform that keeps you free and unencumbered to manage and deliver content to the Web and beyond, to the world of the Internet of Things. Call us today to find out more about how dotCMS can help you meet your company’s trends in 2015.

Learn more about the IoT:

The SAS Institute has some good information on IoT and some predictions for the future here:

Gartner makes some predictions here:

Learn more about dotCMS Partners here:

Will Ezell
Chief Technology Officer
January 12, 2015

Filed Under:

open api predictions trends

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