
Set Language by Site or Folder


dotCMS supports a robust set of multi-lingual features that can be used anywhere on sites served by dotcms by passing a url parameter -


Using a variable to set the language rather than the folder or site has the benefit of allowing a multi-lingual site to maintain a single information architecture, templates, and assets to deliver a templatized site or experience in the language of the visitors choice.

Even so, dotCMS is a flexible tool, and can support many different multi-lingual approaches. For example, we are often asked how does one set a language based on the folder path or site of the visitor, e.g.


or by

To automatically set your language variables based on your visitor's folder or site is easy using a few URLRewrite rules with dotCMS' built in UrlRewriteFilter. Add the rules in this code to your WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml and volia, you site-wide language will be set.

(For this to work, you might need to move the UrlRewriteFilter filter-mapping to the top of the filter chain in your WEB-INF/web.xml, right above the CharsetEncodingFilter)




<!-- Example Rules to set dotCMS language by folder -->
	<set name="com.dotmarketing.htmlpage.language">1</set>

	<set name="com.dotmarketing.htmlpage.language">2</set>

	<set name="com.dotmarketing.htmlpage.language">3</set>

<!-- Example Rules to set dotCMS language by site -->

	<condition name="host" operator="equal"></condition>
	<set name="com.dotmarketing.htmlpage.language">1</set>

	<condition name="host" operator="equal"></condition>
	<set name="com.dotmarketing.htmlpage.language">2</set>

	<condition name="host" operator="equal"></condition>
	<set name="com.dotmarketing.htmlpage.language">3</set>