Definition of Contentlet type with standard and custom fields
interface Contentlet {
creationDate: String
modDate: String
title: String
titleImage: Binary
contentType: String
baseType: String
live: Boolean
working: Boolean
archived: Boolean
locked: Boolean
conLanguage: Language
identifier: ID
inode: ID
host: Site
folder: Folder
urlMap: String
owner: User
modUser: User
_map(key: String, depth: Int = 0, render: Boolean = null): JSON
publishDate: String
publishUser: User
# Custom field types
type Binary {
versionPath: String
idPath: String
path: String
sha256: String
name: String
title: String
size: Long
mime: String
isImage: Boolean
width: Long
height: Long
modDate: Long
focalPoint: String
type Category {
inode: ID
active: Boolean
name: String
key: String
keywords: String
velocityVar: String
type Folder {
folderId: String
folderFileMask: String
folderSortOrder: Int
folderName: String
folderPath: String
folderTitle: String
folderDefaultFileType: String
type SiteOrFolder {
folderId: String
folderFileMask: String
folderSortOrder: Int
folderName: String
folderPath: String
folderTitle: String
folderDefaultFileType: String
hostId: String
hostName: String
hostAliases: String
hostTagStorage: String
type KeyValue {
key: String
value: String
type Language {
id: Long
languageCode: String
countryCode: String
language: String
country: String
type StoryBlock {
json: JSON
type User {
userId: ID
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String
type FileAsset {
siteOrFolder: SiteOrFolder!
fileName: String
description: String
fileAsset: Binary!
metadata: [KeyValue]!
showOnMenu: [String]
sortOrder: Int
type Site {
hostId: String
hostName: String
hostAliases: String
hostTagStorage: String
tagStorage: String
aliases: String
isDefault: Boolean
hostThumbnail: Binary
googleMap: String
googleAnalytics: String
addThis: String
runDashboard: Boolean
keywords: String
description: String
embeddedDashboard: String
# Scalar definitions
scalar JSON
scalar Long